Dear Friends,
I have to apologize for my absence; I have been really sick with some crazy bug that just won't go away! AAACK! But as a quick update, my daughter lost her first tooth! What a joyous moment. I'm not sure why, but I was just thrilled about it. She's getting to be such a big girl!
In sad news, we said goodbye to our good friend and companion kitty Otto this week. He was just getting old and having some issues. It was so hard to say goodbye, but it was the right thing to do. We hope he is frolicking in the summerlands with our other beloved pets that have graced our lives in the past.
My beloved Mother-in-law and her wonderful husband are here for a visit and so I am further distracted having fun! My Mother-in-Law and I took a really great class on how to print fabric using a technique called "Thermafax." It was great fun, and I'm very inspired to start combining my love of drawing with fabric! Stay tuned for some designs.
I promise I haven't forgotten about my blog; I will be back soon. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this new little bag that I've made. The fabric is from Anna Maria Horner's Drawing Room collection. It reminds me of a henna tattoo. The lining is a Civil War reproduction fabric.