Saturday, February 19, 2011

Down Time

Yesterday it was a full moon, which was always a special event that Bronwyn and I shared together.  I was especially missing her, and was about to hunker into my sorrow when my husband suggested that we take a drive to the Ocean.  There was a razor clam opening, and, he said, even if we don't get clams, we can enjoy the wind and the surf!  "Okay," I sluggishly agreed. 

I'm so glad we went.  It was very stormy, but we didn't get rained on while we were on the beach.  The cold wind, the clam diggers, and the surf did me good.  I still missed my girl, of course, but I breathed my sorrow in and out instead of holding it so tightly.  I slept all night, and today has dawned sunny. 


Flavia said...

your husband had a great idea!
Nature is very good for the soul!
Do not hold your sadness. Put out. Share with someone ....
How nice of you to have each other to cry, smile and walk forward!
much love,

Colleen MacDonald said...

Yes, I'm glad that my husband can remind me to get up, even when I don't feel like it. And then I can do the same for him. Love is the key to life!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, Colleen! I'm so glad you have Brian and the ocean close by. Nature IS good for the soul and it heals as well. I stepped outside into the clear cold night with its shining stars and felt Bronwyn so very close... Love you bunches, Dear Neighbors!

Colleen MacDonald said...

Oh Susan,

I've been feeling her close, too. Love you.

Victoria said...

Seems to me that the Ocean is one of the best places to feel at peace, and also at one with all that there is. There is something so very restorative about it. Maybe it's the great expanse, or the natural ebb and flow of the tide, or just the cleansing of the salt water. Who knows, but I am happy to hear that it helped, as I am sure the longing you feel for Bronwyn must be as deep as the Ocean itself. xo

Colleen MacDonald said...

Yes to everything that you said, Victoria!

wishes, true and kind said...

I still have the note by my computer to remind me to pray for you. You have a wise husband. Smile.

Your photos are just beautiful. The beach is a great place to breath. Keep breathing.

Colleen MacDonald said...

Thanks so much for the continued support. I am feeling much more grounded these days and breathing deeper, I think.

picciolo said...

I'm glad the trip turned out better than you hoped, what a thoughtful husband. And those photos are amazing, what a beautiful sky
: )