Friday, July 29, 2011

A Little Blossom

I am in the land of summer and blue sky right now, and it is lovely.  I found this giant dandi-head on a hike yesterday and fell in love with the whispery feathers of its seed pods, just getting ready to fly away.  This shape and color brought to mind a project that I worked on just recently for a customer.  She chose these fabrics specifically, and I thought she did a great job; it's a good combination, don't you think? 


Shirley Lindemann said...

Loved the dandelion blossom, plus the fabric on the check holder was perfect. Anything from Montana warms my heart. Many smiles and hugs.

Shirley Lindemann said...

Loved your photos of the dandi-head, the fabric was perfect. Your Montana walks bring many wonderful memories back. Many hugs to all.

picciolo said...

Hi, I hope you are ok and have enjoyed your summer?
: )

Anonymous said...

"The world is less viscous now." What a wonderful description. It's a long trip back to life.