Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello Sunshine

It's Wednesday already, how did that happen??  Lately I've been waking up and feeling behind before I even get out of bed.  I think this means I'm over-committed, over-ambitious, or disorganized (and most probably a combination of all three).  Actually, come to think of it, I feel like this every Spring and every Autumn, the two busiest times for the gardener. I realized this morning that I haven't spoken to my Mom in a long time (two months?), which is simply not acceptable (I know you're reading this, Mom.  I really do love you!). 

So.  I think it might be time to make lists again (but not here, that would be so boring for you!).

I was visiting my dear neighbor yesterday and noticed that her clematis was in full, fragrant bloom.  This is a small blossomed Clematis. It is quite delicate, and ever so gorgeous.  I stole a little stem from the winding vine and brought it home for this teeny vase that another friend, Kathy O'Shea of KoJo Pottery made.  It's perfect and really looks sweet in my small bathroom.

And in BCharmer news, I've had a recent run on production of Tomboy wallets.  These are so fun for me to make!  I leave you with this very spring-inspired wallet.  I like it that although it is warm and sunny, it is also soft and "cool,"  just like spring. 

It is available in both my Artfire and Etsy shops.

The fabric that I used is  from Heather Bailey's "Nicey Janey" line, which I'm finding is one of my new favorites (I'm so fickle).

Happy Wednesday, Friends!

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